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Food Security in Perry County

The Black Belt stretches across the southern central portion of Alabama. It gets its name from the rich soil that is found in the area that is ideal for farming. Unfortunately, this area is also one of the poorest in the state. The people who live in these counties often do not have access to fresh and healthy foods. Perry is one such county. I participated in a group project in which we studied food access and security in Perry County. We conducted our research by analyzing data from the United States Census Bureau and the United States Department of Agriculture and by traveling to the county to collect data. My peers and I found that Perry County has a high poverty rate and that the percentage of people with low access to stores is twice as high as the state percentage. This is attributable to barriers such as lack of transportation and stores that sell quality food. We compiled all our findings in a report. We hope that research studies such as ours will pave the way for strategies that can be implemented to improve the quality of life for the people in the Black Belt. 

Perry County Census Tracts.jpg

Perry County, Alabama


One of the Very Few Stores That Sell Food in Perry County


An Example of the Under Stocked Shelves in the Dollar General 

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